About Us
Whether it's with a plate of food or a smile, we're here to show our guests we care.

Our Community's Response to Hunger
Our Mission: Provide healthy, delicious meals to those who are hungry.
We believe that everyone, including those experiencing homelessness, deserves access to nutritious food, and we work tirelessly to make that a reality. If you're looking for a homeless meal service, food bank, or soup kitchen in Birmingham, Alabama, The Community Kitchens of Birmingham is here for you.
Our story began in 1981, when a group of concerned citizens came together to address the issue of hunger in Birmingham. They saw a need for a centralized kitchen that could prepare and distribute free meals to those who were struggling to put food on the table.
Today, we operate two kitchens in Birmingham—in Woodlawn and Southside—where we prepare more than 44,000 meals a year. In addition, we offer a range of services, including education and advocacy to support the homeless in Birmingham.
At The Community Kitchens of Birmingham, we believe that food is more than just sustenance, it's a way to bring people together, build community, and create positive change. That's why we're so passionate about what we do, and why we're committed to making a difference in the lives of those we serve.

Who We Serve
The doors to Community Kitchens are open to all.
No one is required to attend a religious service. Rich or poor, we only require our quests to be hungry. We serve everyone, regardless of race, religion, disability, gender or any other criteria. Generally, we find many of our guests to be children, unemployed, homeless, working poor, disabled, families on welfare, veterans, and the elderly whose fixed income is too small.
of our guests are employed part-time or on a temporary basis, but still cannot meet their basic needs
30 TO 50%
of our guests are homeless
of our guests will only have one hot meal a day
of our guests will only have one meal of any kind